/PHOTO/ “Dreams through painting”. Unique event – organized by Community Center 151. Grandiose works to be exhibited in Washington
What is drawn in the imagination – was exhibited, this time, not on paper, as we are usually used to, but in a unique way… on canvas. And not by famous painters, but by talented and enthusiastic children, teenagers and adults.
In other words, it is about the unique event… organized by the Community Center 151, for three days. There, 10 participants, children and teenagers, put their wishes on canvas.
La „Vise prin pictură” participanții și-au dezvoltat creativitatea, s-au antrenat sub îndrumarea unui profesionist, au vizualizat și visat împreună.
„Thanks to the talent of the participants – four paintings will represent „Moldova for Peace” in Washington during the „Rooftop Reception in Support of Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova”organized on May 24 by the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the Open Society Foundation.
„The war continues, and the need for support for people who had to take refuge in Moldova from the Russian invasion has not disappeared. We want to tell those in the US about the civic initiative „Moldova for Peace” and involve anyone who wants to offer help“, says Constanța Dohotaru, coordinator of the Laolaltă Association.
Donations made at this event will be directed to support the civic initiative “Moldova for Peace”, which provides assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.
On February 26, 2022, the „Moldova for Peace” Initiative (MpP) was born. MpP is a civic initiative created to provide assistance to refugees following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. MpP brings together people who recognize and understand the difficulties faced by those who have left home and loved ones behind to reach safety.
Currently, MpP efforts are focused on three main directions:
(1) providing direct assistance to refugees by providing basic needs (food, hygiene products, housing, transport, etc.);
(2) facilitating long-term integration by providing professional guidance, legal and psychological counseling, etc.;
(3) monitoring the respect of refugees’ rights and the promotion of assistance, protection and integration policies.
Centrul Comunitar 151 a fost creat de AO „Laolaltă” pentru inițiativa „Moldova pentru Pace”, cu sprijinul Agenției ONU pentru Refugiați (UNHCR-Moldova).
Thanks to everyone who shared these moments with Community Center 151.